About us

Mark and Buffi developed Pieces of the Promise with a desire to help children and families learn and retain the Word of God, and to provide another opportunity for families to spend quality time together. Mark is the founder of The Young Group, and he and Buffi oversee Marketing and Development of the products.
Mark and Buffi were married in 1994 and have 4 children; two biological and two adopted from China. Adoption has changed their lives and focus in many ways, and they have found that building a strong family has become one of their greatest goals. They desire to inspire others to place value on their family and family life. They also have a desire to help encourage families who may be interested in adoption to step out and say yes to what God is placing on their heart. Mark has written a book titled "Grafted: Preparing the Way for Adoption", to help encourage families as they consider stepping out on the journey of adoption.
Buffi is the author of a children's book titled, "Miracle in the Land of Wu." It is a lovely fiction story about a little girl's journey from her birth mother to an orphanage, foster family and eventually to her forever family. It is loosely based on their first adoption experience.
After spending many years chasing their own dreams and ambitions...they realized that their greatest purpose and fulfillment was in pleasing God's heart through obedience and placing value and priority on their gift from Him...their family.
The grafting process is a great symbol of what takes place with adoption. Adoption is the opportunity to provide a child, who has been severed from a biological family, with the elements needed to grow and fulfill the purpose for which he or she was created. As a child is grafted into a forever family, the opportunity for a renewed life is given.
Miracle in the Land of Wu is a lovely fictional story of the journey of adoption for one special little girl. From the birth mom, the orphanage, a foster family, and finally the forever family; each said YES to help a precious little child in need. For this one little girl, it was a miracle indeed!

Mark & Buffi Young
Todd McAllister is the director of Business Development for The Young Group. He is an integral part of the administration of Pieces of the Promise and provides an immense amount of knowledge about running a company with wisdom and integrity.
Todd & Sandy started their life together in 1992. Little did they know what God had in store for them as they began their journey together. Blessed with six children who are all healthy and unique, there were some difficult times with several miscarriages through the years. God is faithful and has proven himself to them time and time again.
Sandy is the executive director of the McAllister household and Todd has recently joined the entrepreneural movement after spending the better part of the last 23 years with a software development company. Joining Mark and Buffi on the Pieces of the Promise team has been a joy and an outlet to see what God has done and will do!

Honoring God and daily attempting to reach the potential God has put in all of us is at the core of our daily lives. Perfect we are not, but He who... "began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns".

Todd & Sandy McAllister